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Buying An Exhaust Hood For The First Time? ...Find Out Now
The Most Important Facts, First Time Hood Buyers Need To Know,
When Choosing An Exhaust Hood With A Make-Up Air System.

Long Cycle Hoods vs. HoodMart's Short Cycle Exhaust Hoods...
Will You Pay For Long Cycle EXTRAS, You Really Don't Need?
FACT: Long Cycle Hoods, with a PSP System Will COST You More!
Long Cycle Hoods Have:
• HIGHER Up-Front Cost
• HIGHER Installation Cost
• HIGHER Energy Bills
AND, BLOW Down, DIRECTLY On Staff Cooking! :-( making them uncomfortable to work around.
Long Cycle Hoods Are:
• AND, COLD in the Winter
Unless You BUY A BIG, EXPENSIVE ROOF TOP, Make-Up Air Furnace That Costs You BIG BUCKS!
WHAT About HoodMart's Short Cycle Exhaust Hoods, with INTERNAL Make-Up Air?
FACT: HoodMart Short Cycle Exhaust Hoods, Will COST You LESS!
The Short Cycle Hood is HoodMart's flagship hood and most popular restaurant and food service kitchen "Type 1 Hood". It is extremely energy efficient with superior exhaust flow rates and provides excellent capture and ventilation.
Primary reasons for using HoodMart Short Cycle Exhaust Hoods are:
• LOWER Up-Front Cost - (No purchase of costly tempered unit)
• LOWER Installation Cost - (Easier installation)
• LOWER Energy Bills - (No costly heating bills to run a tempered make-up air unit)
AND They DON'T Blow Down, DIRECTLY On Staff Cooking! :-)
So, if you are purchasing a hood for the first time make sure you don't pay for a style of hood that you do not need!
More Good News! The HoodMart Short Cycle Exhaust Hoods with INTERNAL Make-Up Air • WON'T Affect Room Temperature.
The internal make-up air design allows you to use a fresh air, make-up air fan. The supply air is introduced internally within the boundaries of the hood so the kitchen staff is not overly exposed to the air flow. One of the complaints cooks often have in the kitchen is with Long Cycle Hoods (Perforated Supply Plenum) the air blows directly down on their heads, causes uncomfortable working conditions, and unhappy staff.
SO What Is The MOST Cost EFFECTIVE Hood Purchase?
ASK For A HoodMart EXCLUSIVE Short Cycle Hood, with INTERNAL Make-Up Air System.
Have A Question? Call Now 1-800-715-1014 and Get The Whole Story Today!
If you require a different style hood, HoodMart manufactures custom exhaust hoods to fit all kitchen applications, always with your needs and wants in mind. Compensating (short cycle and back return plenum) hoods, long cycle perforated supply plenum style hoods, ventless hoods, pizza oven hoods, concession hoods, food truck hoods and more... On a short deadline? ASK how we can help you today!
HoodMart, Inc. has added production capacity to offer even faster delivery of our most in-demand make-up air hood packages.
Standard Exhaust Hood Packages In-Stock:
Hood Sizes of 4ft, 6ft, 8ft, 10ft, and 12ft
Ready-To-Ship in 24-48 business hours. “ expedite charge applies ”
Having the fastest lead times, a knowledgeable and friendly customer service staff, as well as an experienced technical support team, has made HoodMart, Inc. one of the major players in the commercial ventilation equipment industry.
Call 1-800-715-1014 Now ...
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